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We currently have supported living services in Watford, where support and care are offered to meet the day to day needs of the people we support. The period of the people we support is variable and can be long-term if that is what best suits the individual.
Living in a supported environment at a time of vulnerability due to mental ill-health needs enables most people to achieve levels of confidence and independence, and as a result be able to make the transition to independent living.
For a minority of people with serious mental illness, the transition to independent living may not be possible due to the nature of the illness.
Staff receive face to face induction training from our qualified training team on the 15 standards of the Care Certificate. Bespoke service specific training such as MAPA (Management of Actual or Potential Aggression), Epilepsy, Autism, Diabetes and Redirection Techniques training is also provided to our staff, as well as other specific training relating to supporting the clients they are working with.
Watford service is a 24/7 supported living scheme specialising in mental health. Our aim is to help individuals so that they can improve their overall quality of life, achieve independence and ultimately moving on. We care for individuals who have a variety of mental health diagnosis such as paranoid schizophrenia, anxiety, depression.
The service offers 35 brand new individual and shared flats. Our service offers activities and events on a daily basis such as: pool competition, movie night, bingo, coffee morning, mindfulness, quiz night.
We are all about embracing who we are and, working with the individuals, we try to make certain things possible. Indeed, this is a journey. We are not ahead or behind anyone, but rather we stand next to you, as equals, so that you can achieve the best of you. We are here to help you gain control again as well as support you achieve your goals. If you don’t have a goal, don’t worry. When the time comes, when you feel ready, we will be here.
Meet the Manager

The reason I came into Mental health is the job satisfaction.
I want to make a difference. I’ve learned a huge amount about treatments and the structures put in place to manager crisis and provide support.
Working in Mental health is a tough job, it requires quick thinking and genuine passion, this must be done with a caring nature.