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Clinical Domiciliary Care 

How we help with complex home care


Someone’s physical health can create a devastating impact on how someone lives their life, not only physically but quite often environmentally, with people requiring nursing care, which dictates where that person can live. Supporting people in their own homes Rehability UK has worked hard to ensure that we can support people in returning to their own homes and receiving clinical support under the supervision of a skilled, knowledgeable, well-trained and well-governed staff team.


In Home Support

Rehability UK has worked hard to ensure that we can support people in returning to their own homes and receiving clinical support under the supervision of a skilled, knowledgeable, well-trained and well-governed staff team.


​We ensure that each package is bespoke, assessed, knowledge-based, skill-based and compliant with National Institute Health and Care Excellence standards. Our Registered Nurses have a wealth of experience in complex clinical settings, including Intensive Care Units and are experienced in supporting individuals with various health needs, including Bowel Care, PEG, Ventilation, Tracheotomy care etc.


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Client Led & Technology Supported 

Client led support

We strongly believe that a person receiving support should be able to lead their support. At Rehability UK, we work hard to ensure that this is true and provide an innovative approach to how we deliver care.


Technology supported care

Our team is skilled at adapting to innovations in the clinical homecare field and embraces working with technology to encourage comfort within people's homes. Modern wearable technology and the “Internet of Things” have allowed us to provide care less intrusively. Our digital approach to care documentation, staff support and incident management systems allows for full clinical oversight in the community, ensuring our service and clinical interventions can stay vigilant and responsive as needed.

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